Frequently Asked
Questions For Consumers

Is Carrot free to use?
Carrot is free to download but we keep a percentage of what we save you; it's how we pay to make everything possible.

We are working on a new subscription offering but it will be optional for you to enroll, or not.
Can I start making money now?
Yes, download the Carrot app for iOS or Android, connect at least one bank card, activate as many rewards as you want then go spend.
How do I get paid when I’m on the app?
If you've activated a reward and made a qualifying purchase, we will verify your transactions and issue you cashback, to your carrot account, if any cashback is owed.

You will be notified when cashback is earned. From there, click the "Cash Out" button to get paid. This will iniate a transfer of funds to your bank.
How long does it take for my purchases to get verified?
Because our service runs on settlement data, we have to wait until you bank confirms your purchase and then sends us your transaction data for us to verify. This generally takes 24-48 hours.

Once your data has been received and verified, we will send you a notification.
How long does it take to get paid, once I have earned cashback?
We initiate a bank ACH transfer immediately after you request to be paid, via clicking the "Cash Out" button in the app.

The button will only be available when you have any earned and unpaid cashback.
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earn local cashback!
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