


Get cashback at local restaurants, bars, coffee shops, retail, and more. Just link your debit or credit card to the app and start getting cashback on your purchases.

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How It Works

1. Download the Carrot app & sign-up
2. Link your bank card in the app
3. Activate offers & spend like normal
4. Earn cash back on your purchases
5. Receive your cash, Auto-Magically!

Saving Shouldn't Suck

Wave goodbye to annoying and
forgettable points, codes, and coupons

We Take Security Seriously,
It Matters To Us


Carrot uses strong SSL encryption to transmit and store your data.


Carrot's customer support team is ready to help you, 7 days a week.


Carrot follows PCI security measures and is GDPR compliant.


Carrot takes data privacy very seriously. We have employed an award-winning data protection officer (DPO) service and we never share your data with any other parties without your consent.


Carrot works with leading information security partners, including Hogan Lovells and Evalian, to meet the ISO 27001 standard.

Too Good
To Pass Up, Right?

  Discount codes
and coupons
QR codes and
loyalty cards
Earn real cash
Cashback is credited once verified.
Receive custom, real-time offers
Made for Gen X, Y and Z.
Instantly pays you real money
Automatically applied at checkout
Receive real-time offers
Made by Gen Zs, for Gen Zs

Download The App.
Link Your Cards.
Watch The Money Roll In.
It’s Awesome!

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